Wednesday, July 8, 2009

How to Dress to Attract Women

How to dress to attract women is a thought most guys will not face. They want to dress well and hope and also convince themselves that they dress well... all for the express purpose of attracting a mate or, in the very least, not scaring them off. If offered advice, in a neutral or positive way from a girl guys will often take the advice and blend it in with what they already think.

This means their style is a wash of all the pieces of advice they have not rejected over the years. Basically, it will be much the same as everyone else with a few slight adjustments. Those "little things" will be where they express themselves. Women, will notice those expressions and comment on them and they will adjust them accordingly.

That's all Nice Guy thinking....

And doomed to failure. Clothes are your first opportunity to advertise that you are different. This advertisement must come through loud and clear. Women notice right away how much you stand out by what you have on. Ever see the brightest red bird? That male gets to pick his girl. The less bright male birds have to pick up what's left, if they get anything at all.

Don't be the less bright bird... sure people will question you, occasionally when you're first starting out you will be laughed at. Just, one, continue to standout. And two, don't pick things because of what they represent to you, just pick them based on how they look together and how they stand out.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

How to Convince Women Not to Date You or Even Think About You Much

There is always alot of debate about how to do anything with women. Here's a quick fire way to be considered boring and nice. The two worst things you can be with a woman. How to Women is my way to get out general information that guys can use to help their relationships with women, but this post is not about that. This post is about how you can do the opposite.

Winning over women is a typical question posed by guys who know a woman they would like to win over.

They already know her and would mainly like to turn a friendship or acquaintance into a real and actual relationship. This is always tricky because she might not have been thinking of you that way until you indicate it and so she will surely have to think about what you're telling her. After all, this is her whole life you two are talking about.

But to win a woman over you have to like what she likes. Strike up conversation about travel, music, dreams, hopes, and great tried and untried restaurants. Avoid things like politics, religion (unless you know she's the same as you) and anything else that could turn into a negative conversation.

When talking to her, keep her comfortable by turning your body away from her slightly so you're not "in her space" and don't ever make physical contact until she let's you know it's time. She'll do this by touching you first.

Remember to look her in the eye, but not for too long! And make sure you have some good anti-perspirant because women don't like sweaty, smelly guys!

Know what you're talking about. That means be an expert on what you're talking about. Do a bunch of research if you need to. Don't wear anything that is too flashy or stands out too much... women often mistake this for a guy who isn't serious about relationships.

You have to indicate that you're really into her and know that she's just the girl for you without looking like your so soft that you're not worth anything. Stand up for your opinion but never argue or put down her opinion.

Women love to be held up as an example so when you have a natural opportunity let her know that you look up to her for something but don't over do it. Perhpas put in that other women also like what she's talking about and how she's living her life.

Good luck destroying any chance you have with her!