Thursday, June 11, 2009

How to Woman

What you can learn at How to Woman...

The fine art of being attractive to women. Can any guy do it or is it just those lucky few who have all the success with women? We've seen those guys, at ease next to a beautiful woman, making her laugh, lightly touching her arm...

What are they doing that the rest of you are not? And can any guy do it?

Yes, any guy can do it. ANY guy. I'll just repeat that one more time... ANY guy.

The Key to Understanding Women

This just might be the most important blog you've ever read. Because I'm going to open doorways so you can see inside the mystery that women used to hold. Once you understand how they work you'll know how to create uncontrollable reactions in women. There is a fundamental key under which ALL women operate. It's called a Compliance Test and it's how a woman finds out ALL her information about a guy.

Within 60 seconds of meeting a guy a woman will have given you a minimum of 5 Compliance Tests... and sometimes as many as 20!!!

Here are some of the usual C-tests:
  • Verbal Pause
  • Social Greeting
  • Body Language
  • Personal Space
  • Manners
  • Conversation Continuance
  • Emotional Need
These are just manifestations of the exact same thing: A Compliance Test.

Women test men constantly to determine if they can mentally dismiss them. The more a woman must try to "figure you out" the more attracted she will become. How to create attraction in a woman means not failing these tests she's giving you.

Verbal Pause - A woman will pause in her speech and then see if you try to fill in the empty space to keep the conversation on track and interesting. If you do this you fail her compliance test.

Social Greeting - She greets you as people greet each other and then she waits for you to return the greeting. If you greet in the normal social way you fail the test and she no longer has to "figure you out". Without passing the Compliance Tests you can not create attraction in a woman. Tips for Flirting should always be build on this simple but all encompassing idea.

Body Language - Most guys attempt to portray body language that says they are interested, confident and available to her. But all guys do this... so once you're repeating the movements of all guys she has you figured out. And then all chance of attraction flies out the window.

Personal Space - Guys try to slowly get into the personal space of women over the course of a date or conversation. All guys avoid her personal space when first meeting and then try some "unnoticed" method of closing the space. But guys who are great with women assume they can invade her space at will (he will demand a hug or a kiss on the cheek when meeting) but he also seems uninterested in getting into her personal space. This will intrigue her because most guys want to get in. This will make you seem UNavaliable, on the edge of disinterest and confident.... all traits that are attractive to her.

Manners - If you do what's expected of you... you'll go down in flames. You don't need to ignore all manners but it's a good idea to ignore them with flamboyance from time to time to let her know you're unpredictable.

You get the idea. How to Woman is all about understanding the enigma that is woman.

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