Sunday, October 11, 2009

How to Talk to Any Woman

Talking to women is kind of scary, unless you know her. Guy will go out of their way to think up reasons why they didn't talk to the girl they saw wherever. They need to know what's going on between them before they risk going out of control and saying "hi".

They want to know they will be accepted before they talk to her. That's why guys are always looking for clues, for connections, for something they have in common with her.

If a guy sees a girl wearing a Led Zep shirt and they listen to Led then a series of thoughts will travel through their head. They will say things to themselves like this, "Does she really like them or did someone give her that shirt?" and "Is that her boyfriend's shirt?" and "What if she knows more about Led than me?"

In the end he'll talk himself out of it, and if he's waited all that time then it's a good thing he waited... because she can smell that air of desperation on you. She knows what you're up to and she doesn't like it. Knowing how to talk to any woman is super important.

Instead he should just go up to her, even if all he can do is ask for the time... At least you're giving yourself a chance!


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